Your assessment is the base against which your tax rates are applied. An increase in your assessment (base) would result in a higher tax bill.
Your assessment is the base against which your tax rates are applied. An increase in your assessment (base) would result in a higher tax bill.
Not necessarily!!. Tax rates will most likely be increased therefore your actual tax bills may not be reduced.
State law requires that assessments must be made at a uniform percentage of fair market value. Many homes in Nassau County are assessed too high relative to market value.
Yes!! Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano has implemented a 4 year freeze on assessments. Therefore, any reduction in your assessed value will be carried forward.
Unfortunately, No.
This is the percentage of market value at which properties are assessed.
No! It is your right to grieve your taxes!
Your assessment can be increased if there is a county - wide re-assessment, you make an assessable improvement (construction) to your home, you are no longer eligible for an exemption, or an outstanding permit is closed.
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